
Projects Worldwide

Back Blue Cross Norway Blue Cross Norway Expands its Training on Alcohol Policy Formulation to Various Countries in Africa!Experience clearly shows that evidence-based alcohol policies with a population-wide reach are highly effective in preventing the harmful use of alcohol. Therefore, starting in 2009 Blue Cross… read more First 1 Last 

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Projects Worldwide

Back Alcohol and Aging – A Growing Concern Alcohol and Aging – A Growing ConcernThere is a growing aging population in Finland. By 2060 every 4th person will be 65+. Research shows that 62% of the Finnish aging population uses alcohol and 8% of these abuse it. Exceessive alcohol use in the elderly leads to

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Back Aprendendo com a Experiência. Martim Lutero, um dos grandes reformadores cristãos, disse – “não há nada, fora a experiência”. A palavra determinante aqui, como em todos os processos genuínos de aprendizagem, é ‘experiência’. Em alemão, o termo equivalente é ‘erfahren’ e significa “viajar por território desconhecido para familiarizar-se com ele”. Isto é precisamente o

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Back Aprendendo com a Experiência. Martim Lutero, um dos grandes reformadores cristãos, disse – “não há nada, fora a experiência”. A palavra determinante aqui, como em todos os processos genuínos de aprendizagem, é ‘experiência’. Em alemão, o termo equivalente é ‘erfahren’ e significa “viajar por território desconhecido para familiarizar-se com ele”. Isto é precisamente o

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Back Learning from Experience. Martin Luther, one of the greatest Christian reformers, once said – “there is nothing, outside of experience” – the operative word here, as in all genuine learning processes, being ‘experience’. The German equivalent ‘erfahren’ means “to travel through unknown territory, to familiarise oneself with it”. This is precisely what we have

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Back Learning from Experience. Martin Luther, one of the greatest Christian reformers, once said – “there is nothing, outside of experience” – the operative word here, as in all genuine learning processes, being ‘experience’. The German equivalent ‘erfahren’ means “to travel through unknown territory, to familiarise oneself with it”. This is precisely what we have

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Back STORIES OF CHANGE. Dear Reader, “It is the small daily brush strokes that create the painting, no matter how large the canvas.” – says John McQuiston in his booklet “Always We Begin Again”. This is precisely what this Newsletter is about – canvases of change and the masterpieces of recovery, achieved as a result

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Back STORIES OF CHANGE. Dear Reader, “It is the small daily brush strokes that create the painting, no matter how large the canvas.” – says John McQuiston in his booklet “Always We Begin Again”. This is precisely what this Newsletter is about – canvases of change and the masterpieces of recovery, achieved as a result

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Back Trabalhando lado a lado “Movemos céus e terra para ajudar pessoas que sofrem com o vício.” Este é o lema da Cruz Azul da  Noruega e da Dinamarca. Este lema não apenas reflete o comprometimento dos membros destas duas organizações, mas também o de centenas de líderes e profissionais da Cruz Azul por todo

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Back Trabalhando lado a lado “Movemos céus e terra para ajudar pessoas que sofrem com o vício.” Este é o lema da Cruz Azul da  Noruega e da Dinamarca. Este lema não apenas reflete o comprometimento dos membros destas duas organizações, mas também o de centenas de líderes e profissionais da Cruz Azul por todo

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