

Back Agir ensemble! « Nous remuons ciel et terre pour soutenir les personnes dépendantes », c’est la traduction du slogan choisi par les Croix-Bleue norvégienne et danoise. Si ce slogan reflète l’engagement pris par les membres de ces deux organisations, il vaut tout autant pour les centaines de responsables et de praticiens de la Croix-Bleue […]

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Back Agir ensemble! « Nous remuons ciel et terre pour soutenir les personnes dépendantes », c’est la traduction du slogan choisi par les Croix-Bleue norvégienne et danoise. Si ce slogan reflète l’engagement pris par les membres de ces deux organisations, il vaut tout autant pour les centaines de responsables et de praticiens de la Croix-Bleue

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Projects Worldwide

Back Blue Cross Chad has found that amongst the main risk factors associated with the onset of alcohol dependence are a difficult social environment, discontinuing school and exposure to networks of peers who are already dependant or demonstrate high risk behaviour. Blue Cross Chad is therefore reaching out to and assisting disadvantaged children from difficult

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Projects Worldwide

Back Blue Cross Brazil is currently developing a network of aftercare service providers in the field of alcohol and illicit drug dependence care across Southern Brazil. The aim of the network is to significantly reduce relapse rates among clients who have successfully completed their first therapy cycle. This important Blue Cross Brazil initiative is a

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Projects Worldwide

Back Blue Cross Brazil has developed a network of aftercare service providers in the field of alcohol and illicit drug dependence care across Southern Brazil. The aim of the network is to significantly reduce relapse rates among clients who have successfully completed their first therapy cycle. This important Blue Cross Brazil initiative is a response

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Projects Worldwide

Back In Southern Brazil, treatment services for dependent people are provided mainly by civil society stakeholders such as NGOs, churches, and community-based organisations. The professionalism of these services is however not always guaranteed as they rely largely on volunteers and former dependents who have not necessarily had the opportunity to undergo proper training in the

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Projects Worldwide

Back In Southern Brazil, treatment services for dependent people are provided mainly by civil society stakeholders such as NGOs, churches, and community-based organisations. The professionalism of these services is however not always guaranteed as they rely largely on volunteers and former dependents who have not necessarily had the opportunity to undergo proper training in the

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Projects Worldwide

Back Choose a region and discover Blue Cross projects worldwide. The choice of international projects below will give you an idea of the scale and scope of our work and show you its broad geographical reach. Behind our projects are faces and stories. Click here to find out what clients tell us about their experience with the

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Projects Worldwide

Back Choose a region and discover Blue Cross projects worldwide. The choice of international projects below will give you an idea of the scale and scope of our work and show you its broad geographical reach. Behind our projects are faces and stories. Click here to find out what clients tell us about their experience with the

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Projects Worldwide

Back By selecting a country below you can read specific projects for that country. Czech Republic Norway Poland Romania Russian Federation Ukraine Blue Cross Poland Provides Innovative Services to Victims of Violence Blue Cross Poland’s outpatient Help Centre for victims of violence is a response to a general lack of public aid for families experiencing

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